The THC Sunset Combo 212 is an all-tube guitar combo with an output of 38 Watt. The open back construction of the THC Sunset Combo 212 with a 12 inch Celestion Vintage Century and a 12 inch THC-Neofin makes sure you can realize a variety of tonal nuances in live and studio situations. The THC Sunset Combo 212 features one channel without master volume but has an extremely dynamic response to the player's attack and the guitar's volume setting. Thus, it delivers a pure, direct and unadulterated vintage tube sound. The included boost switch lets you even drive THC Sunset Combo 212 a little bit more. With the switches Full/Half, Pentode/Triode and Class A/Class A/B you can reduce the THC Sunset Combo 212's output in order to get the tube saturation at reduced volumes.